Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The all-seeing eye of God...

Earlier this morning, I received a text message that read, "Matthew 18:10. What is the purpose of these angels in this verse?" I was unable to immediately respond and address this question, partly because I was pre-occupied with my morning routine of getting dress and secondly, because I was not readily familiar with this text, nor the "angels" mentioned within it. After finding a stopping point in my morning routine, I grabbed a NIV bible, read the text, flipped to a few reference scriptures to see if I can gather additional information. I then called my mother, who was the author of the text message, and informed her that I had made some preliminary observations but I would know more when I reached my office and got ahold of my study materials.
As I continued with my morning routine, the question plagued me. Just that quick, I was intrigued and yearning for information. I rushed over to my office, flipped open my laptop, grabbed a few books off the book shelf and went to work. The discovery was refreshing! I had several questions, who are "angels"? What is their purpose? What are their limitations? It didnt take long for me to realize that I had heard the word "angels" mentioned several times, I had heard subjects taught and preached concerning "angels" but it was far to long ago. I felt embarassed. A person of my profession should already know something as simple a subject as..."angels."
I was intrigued because Matthew 18:10 seemed to suggest an idea of having a "guardian angel". I had always believed that this idea was false. I believed that there couldn't possible be a such thing as a personal or private "angel" that is dispatched to my side for the soul purpose of attending to me. Let me just say before I continue that I had a rude awakening.
Allow me to provide scriptural references that provides insight into the duty and purpose of "angels", thus, allowing you to conclude what you choose to believe about the subject.

Angels have serve and continue to serve several purposes such as:

They predicted the birth of Christ: Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:26-38
They ministered to Christ after his temptation and agony: Matthew 4:11; Luke 22:43
They declared his resurrection and ascension: Matthew 28:2-8; John 20:12-13; Acts 1:10-11
They are now ministering spirits to the people of God: Hebrews 1:14; Psalm 34:7; 91:11; Matthew 18:10; Acts 5:19; 8:26; 10:3; 12:7; 27:23
They rejoice over a penitent sinner: Luke 15:10

By now, you may be asking yourself, "how is this relevant to the "all-seeing eye of God?" The answer is, God knows all, see's all, and hears all. God is concerned about his children. Therefore, he uses the ministry of the angels to protect, comfort, and provide for his children. Consider this:
How many car accidents have you escaped unharmed?
How many dangerous situations have you mysteriously escaped?
How many last minute decisions have you made that literally saved your life?

Often times, things happen, and we believe that we escaped because of luck or because of skill when in actuality, it just may have been the hand of God, through a divinely appointed angel that caused the situation to go differently than it was originally scheduled to go.
As I type this, tears are being formed in my eyes, because I was reminded of a near fatal accident that I escaped, and after study this morning, I am even more convinced that I escaped because of the grace of God and the angel that he dispatched to protect me. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was because there is a greater good that I am to accomplish. Maybe it is because he wanted me to know for the rest of my days, no matter who I am, where I am, or what I will become, the ONLY reason I am what I am is because he dispatched an angel to spare my life.

Praise God...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is Gay the New Black?

It seems as if as the months and years go by, the gay movement is sweeping through America and gaining more and more momentum. As a matter of fact, in 2008, the "advocate" magazine published a magazine cover with the title, "gay is the new black". For all of those who personally know me are aware of where I stand concerning homosexual and lesbian activity. I absolutely unequivocally believe that it is sinful. However, I do not believe in waisting precious time belittling those who practice this life. Just as every person has the right to choose the type of life they desire to live, so does the homosexual and lesbian community, even if God is displeased.
My purpose of penning this blog is not to attack their sinful lifestyle but rather to address this new publicity stunt they have launch in a vain attempt to support their habits. Gay is NOT the new black. The homosexual and lesbians communities are fundamentally wrong from trying to compare their unnatural desires (Romans 1) to the events of the civil rights movement. In no way are the two connected.
It is a historical fact that the two movements began around the same time, however, they did not begin with the intention of fighting the same battles. Being gay is not a civil right. Being gay is a personal right. If this country was built on scriptural principles, scriptural principles does not allow for those involved in same sex relationships to have the same rights and privileges as those who are married according to God's standards.
Gay is not the new black! This movement is just a vain attempt to encourage some feeble minded african american to associate themselves, welcome and approve of a homosexual's sinful lifestyle.
Furthermore, it amazes me how the homosexual community has manage to cause the who world to be politically conscious of them and their rights, all the while trampling over mine. Yes, they have a right to be together, however, how many of my rights are now be cast to the side because of someone else's rights? We as children of God must stand against sin.

God bless...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rules or Relationship... Part 1

This blog entry deserves no fancy introduction. To begin with some wordy, well-written introduction that would "woo" you is certainly not necessary. In fact, this blog should begin just the way you are currently reading it...plain and to the point!! Listen loud and clear...The purpose of God's RULES is so that you may have a RELATIONSHIP with him!

I have been in the Church of Christ for a long time and one thing that I can say for certain is that we have mastered the art of looking at the bible and pulling from it a bunch of rules and regulations that God has put on us, all the while, forgetting about his intended relationship attached to all the rules.

We are good at telling the "do's" and "dont's" of Christianity but not so good at explaining why God has imposed those particular rules.

The almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing God knows that which we can and cannot handle. He knows what would be harmful or helpful to us, thus, he set regulations whereby, he intends on us following. He has done this as an exercise of his love toward us. And when we falls short, he exercises his love toward us by extending grace.

Isn't interesting that while God is seeking a meaningful, love-centered, communicative relationship with us, we seek a one-sided, "ask and ye shall receive" type relationship. Its true. Take a look at your prayers... how often do you pray for someone else? How often are your prayers simply prayers of thanksgiving? How often are you asking for something? I'm sure if most of us were to be honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that our relationship with God is superficial. Our relationship with God is based on what we want.

Ask yourself more questions... How many of us would have good marriages or friendships if we were only interested in getting our way? Are you rarely (if ever) concerned about the other parties happiness? The truth of the matter is to think in such a way as this is indicative of someone who is selfish. Unfortunately, God deals with selfish Christians day in and day out. God is seeking a relationship with you!

How do I get a better relationship with God?

I. Make conscious decisions to follow his rules, knowing that he is concerned about you and not only in controlling you.

II. Seek God. Try to move past the "ask and ye shall receive relationship" and move toward a communicative relationship with God. That means to talk to God and then wait for God to talk back to you through his word.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This is for the ladies...

Unfortunately I have noticed a strikingly large amount of women that has fallen prey to a self-serving dose of insecurity, inadequacy, and distasteful behavior. I thought this blog might be helpful to some young lady struggling within herself, trying to make the right decision or better decisions.
Some women are on the search for a "good man" and I don't profess to know all the answers but I do know some tips that will enable you to get what you want...

1. STOP LOOKING. Is it not your job or responsibility to be the aggressor. Any man that finds you will approach and initiate a relationship with you because they are comfortable with how you look, how you behave, and what do you potentially have to offer. With that being said, any man who makes you feel unattractive is looking to control you. You do not need him.

2. DATE MEN WHO ARE COMMITTED TO GOD. To choose a man who is committed to God takes time. To avoid a man who pretends to be committed to God, you must take time to watch his consistency. Do not be "wooed" by his perceived consistency immediately. Watch how often he attends church. Watch how active he is within church. Does he go as a ritual or a relationship? His life should reflect his relationship. A godly man does not mean he is perfect but rather that he is striving for perfection.

3. DATE MEN WHO THINKS LIKE A MAN. In order for you to choose a "good man" you must understand what a good man is. A "good man" is someone who understand his role as a man, does not compromise his God given roles because society has decided to change the roles. A man is someone who thinks, behaves, and accepts his responsibility at all times. If at any time a man realizes that he has not lived up to his role as a man, when brought to his attention, he does not hesitate to acknowledge and correct his mistakes. A man seeks to be responsible in his own personal affairs. When you select a character such as this, you then have some reassurance that he is fully capable of thinking and behaving as a man such as it relates to you.

4. REALIZE THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE A MAN. Stop choosing men who obviously lack in the areas that you need to be present and stop thinking that you somehow possess the ability to give him what he lacks. You cannot change a man. However, choose men who have all the qualities that you need to be present. The qualities he has man not be at the level in which you want them to be, however, if he is devoted to allowing God to change him, you can work with that. God does the changing, not you.

5. REALIZE THAT WHAT YOU NEED MAY NOT BE PACKAGED THE WAY YOU WOULD LIKE. There is nothing wrong with wanting a man who is attractive, well- kept, well- mannered or with "swag". However, remember that the physical features of what you want may not always come with the type of man you want. Ask yourself the question, am I willing to trade integrity for tall, dark and handsome? If someone gave you a diamond ring but packaged it in old newspaper, would you discard the ring because of what you received it in? Character is much more important than appearance.

6. BE THAT WHICH YOU SEEK. If you seek a classy, smooth, godly man then be a classy, smooth, godly woman. A good godly man is not interested in a rough, loud, boisterous and sexually promiscuous woman... at least not to be his wife. Learn to be elegant. Learn to be soft. Learn to be submissive. If you don't you may continue to attract the thugs, and the guys with no future.

7. BE PATIENT. Remember, Rome was not built in one day. Do not look at other relationships with anxiety or envy. To do so will cause you to make rash decision concerning your own relationships, thereby sabotaging your own ability to see things clearly. Take time. Be methodical. God will send you what you need in due season.

This blog is not intended to be a "know it all" guide to finding a good man, however, it's intent is to help some young lady who may be clueless about why they cant find love. Hope this helps.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The annointing of the believer...1 Corinthians 7:12-16

For several years, the questions have been raised, is it acceptable to marry outside of the church? Does God sanction marriages to those who are outside of the body of Christ? Well lets take a look at a very popular and familiar New Testament Passage and draw from it biblical conclusions that will put many people's mind at ease.

Before we began, realize that I chose to approach this topic from the prospective of addressing the concerns of those individuals who are already married and are in such a relationship. For those of you who are considering marrying an "unbeliever", this subject obviously must be approached from a different prospective. If you are considering marrying an unbeliever, there are several questions that would need to be addressed, such as, "who does God consider to be an unbeliever, what are the dangers of marrying and unbeliever, and is God pleased with such an action?"

Any person seeking answers concerning marriage first needs to know that marriage is not an institution whereby one enters into without thought nor is it one that one exits without thought. Marriage is a divine institution set up, ordained and authorized by God. It is a covenant between three parties, You, God and Your partner. It is a joining of two to make one (Genesis 2:21-23). Unfortunately, many have developed the mindset concerning marriage that "if this doesn't work out, we will just call it quits." No mindset could be more detrimental to the idea, institution and intended purpose of marriage.

For those of you who are already in a marital relationship with someone who does not know God, I understand that the stress and strain of religious differences can be extremely difficult on a relationship. There are those who live in households where one goes to church while the other goes to work, work out, fishing, or even at home on the couch. The kids normally end up confused because they are not sure which example to follow and the saga of a failing marriage drains the life out of one or both of the parties involved.

Unfortunately, as a Minister of the gospel, I see this sad commentary quite often. However, thank God for the goodness of his word, which brings joy to the downtrodden, and hope to the discouraged. Paul addresses YOUR situation in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16.

1 Corinthians 7:12-16

-Paul addresses and speaks to the individual who is considered a "believer" and who is married to an "unbeliever".

*Note* Far to often, I have heard preachers make mention that this text is speaking "about a couple who were both unbelievers at one time until one was baptized and the other didn't." The truth of the matter is, the text does not address the time in which the one became a member and the other didn't. We should be careful in how we teach the word of God. Often times, we put people in bondage where God did not put us in bondage.

-Paul encourages both to NOT LEAVE.

-The unbeliever is "sanctified" by the believer.

*Note* This means that the marriage is sanctioned by God because of the believer. It is the anointing that the believer has that allows the unbeliever to share in the marital benefits and be acceptable to God. We as children of God should be more abreast of the power of our anointing. This word sanctified does not mean that the unbeliever is considered to be in a "saved" position, however, it does mean that the marriage is recognized by God.

Who is considered an unbeliever? The Greek word is "Apistos", which means, "not worthy of confidence, untrustworthy, unbeliever." It also denotes "one who disbelieves the Gospel of Christ, an infidel." The definition given to an unbeliever may include those who never believed the gospel as well as those who believed and denied the faith. Which presents the thought that just because a man or woman has been baptized into Christ does not mean that scripture considers them to be a believer. As a matter of fact, scripture teaches "if any provide not for his own, and specifically his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel" (1 Timothy 5:8).

The dangers of marrying an unbeliever are many. The difference in religious beliefs alone are enough to cause the cautious person to pause for reflection. Granted, because someone does not share the same religious beliefs as you does not mean that they are bad people, however, one must take careful consideration when embarking on this journey. Furthermore, by definition, an unbeliever is more that differing religious views, an unbeliever is someone who is untrustworthy and has denied God and/or refused to obey God. When selecting a mate, operate with this rule of thumb: If they don't respect God, they will never respect you! And by respect I mean respect God enough to obey God.

Is God pleased with such an action of marrying outside of his body? This is a question that is better left answered by God. There are many fundamentally conservative Christians who would answer this question with an absolute "NO", however, I choose to modify my answer to say that God is not pleased with us marrying anyone who does not respect him enough to obey him, whether in the body or out of the body. Furthermore, God has done the miraculous within those who were estranged from him and brought unto him by their partner. This is why scripture says, the unbeliever is sanctified by the believer.

I would like to encourage all of those who are considered to be faithful believers in Christ Jesus to recognize the strength and power of your anointing. Your anointing is so powerful that God will look upon your mate and exact grace upon them because of you!!! Praise God for his anointing!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 5 of 6....


The letter "N" is indicative of how you have consistantly been nurturing and nobel. Your moral charisma and motherly demeanor has assisted so many people. You have naturally assumed the role of mother, mentor, sister and encourager. This is just another reason why I love you.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 4 of 6....


The letter "w" stands for your constant willingness to help. You have a beautiful servant personality about yourself that is manifested in constant desire to minister to those who are in need. This personality is a rare trait; therefore, I add this to the list of what I treasure most about you!!