Satan has successfully kidnapped, held hostage, tortured and killed the family. The evidence is obvious. As a matter of fact, the evidence can be witnessed from every aspect of our lives. The evidence of this most hideous assassinations can be found within our school, churches, television programs, statistics of broken marriages, rising number of men and women in the penal system and so on and so forth. Satan has done a very good job of being bad.
With this particular blog, I intend to expose each component of the family that Satan has chosen to attack and several methods that he uses to launch an all out war against your family and mine. I must warn you, this blog gets pretty intense. I exposes all of the inadequacies of our society and the inadequacies of individuals who have not been living up to their god-given roles. Upon reading this, you must make a vow to yourself and to God that you will do better than what you have been doing as a father, mother, husband, wife, brother, and/or sister. Because of the length of this subject, I intend to separate this blog up into several parts. Please read all of it so that you may conclude this series with a panoramic view of the family.
This role of the Husband and Father is perhaps the most vital role that must be played within the family structure. It is the husband and fathers job to be a protector, provider, and leader for the family. This can be seen through the biblical character of Adam. It was Adam who was made first (Gen. 2:7). It was Adam who was charged with the responsibility of informing Eve as to the commandments of God. It was Eve who was made to be a help meet to Adam (Gen. 2:21-25).
Satan knows the role of the husband and father and he also knows that if that role were to be carried out according to God's standards, the family could be an unstoppable force. Because Satan knows this, he focused himself on destroying the image of the man within the eyes of the man. He focused on this task with as much intensity as a bullet train pierces through the winds of life. Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that HE SUCCEEDED.
Satan succeeded by publicly stripping men of their dignity and respect in front of the women who loved, respected, and admired their strength. It was through this systemic stripping of love, pride, dignity and respect that gave place to the absolute opposite, which is, evil, wraft, strife, envy, jealousy. Somewhere along the lines, men ceased to care for their families. Men ceased to care less about the spiritual well being of the family.
How did this happen? It is my personal belief system that so much pressure was put into the minds of men to respond with overwhelming devotion to one of the god-given requirements that the others went lacking. For example, if a man feels highly and overly obligated to provide for his family, he then dumps his entire being into making sure his family is being provided for. Although this is an indisputable requirement from God, the other indisputable requirements from God go unfulfilled. If a man has devoted all of his time, attention, and energies to working, how then shall he be able to spiritual lead his family or even protect?
Being a husband and being a father is something that I have yet to experience so I may not be as sympathetic to the plight of both roles, however, one thing that I do have is tons of observational experience that allows me to speak from a unique position. It seems that what I have witnessed amongst men who are successful within their own families has a unique common thread. Men who tend to remain in relationships with their wives for long periods of time tend to understand the balance of maintaing all of the god-given responsibilities. Men who tend to neglect their post as leader of the family tend to neglect this notion of balance. When balance is abandoned and more emphasis is unhealthily put on one responsibility than another, individuals tend to feel pressured and overwhelmed, thereby feeling as if the only relief is to abandon.
This article is not meant to be the answer to all of your concerns. It is not the authority on the psychology of men, however, it is a brief discourse that I have chosen to write based on my experience and observation.
Look out for next weeks blog.... Part 2 of "The Assassination of the Family...Wives and Mothers"
With this particular blog, I intend to expose each component of the family that Satan has chosen to attack and several methods that he uses to launch an all out war against your family and mine. I must warn you, this blog gets pretty intense. I exposes all of the inadequacies of our society and the inadequacies of individuals who have not been living up to their god-given roles. Upon reading this, you must make a vow to yourself and to God that you will do better than what you have been doing as a father, mother, husband, wife, brother, and/or sister. Because of the length of this subject, I intend to separate this blog up into several parts. Please read all of it so that you may conclude this series with a panoramic view of the family.
This role of the Husband and Father is perhaps the most vital role that must be played within the family structure. It is the husband and fathers job to be a protector, provider, and leader for the family. This can be seen through the biblical character of Adam. It was Adam who was made first (Gen. 2:7). It was Adam who was charged with the responsibility of informing Eve as to the commandments of God. It was Eve who was made to be a help meet to Adam (Gen. 2:21-25).
Satan knows the role of the husband and father and he also knows that if that role were to be carried out according to God's standards, the family could be an unstoppable force. Because Satan knows this, he focused himself on destroying the image of the man within the eyes of the man. He focused on this task with as much intensity as a bullet train pierces through the winds of life. Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that HE SUCCEEDED.
Satan succeeded by publicly stripping men of their dignity and respect in front of the women who loved, respected, and admired their strength. It was through this systemic stripping of love, pride, dignity and respect that gave place to the absolute opposite, which is, evil, wraft, strife, envy, jealousy. Somewhere along the lines, men ceased to care for their families. Men ceased to care less about the spiritual well being of the family.
How did this happen? It is my personal belief system that so much pressure was put into the minds of men to respond with overwhelming devotion to one of the god-given requirements that the others went lacking. For example, if a man feels highly and overly obligated to provide for his family, he then dumps his entire being into making sure his family is being provided for. Although this is an indisputable requirement from God, the other indisputable requirements from God go unfulfilled. If a man has devoted all of his time, attention, and energies to working, how then shall he be able to spiritual lead his family or even protect?
Being a husband and being a father is something that I have yet to experience so I may not be as sympathetic to the plight of both roles, however, one thing that I do have is tons of observational experience that allows me to speak from a unique position. It seems that what I have witnessed amongst men who are successful within their own families has a unique common thread. Men who tend to remain in relationships with their wives for long periods of time tend to understand the balance of maintaing all of the god-given responsibilities. Men who tend to neglect their post as leader of the family tend to neglect this notion of balance. When balance is abandoned and more emphasis is unhealthily put on one responsibility than another, individuals tend to feel pressured and overwhelmed, thereby feeling as if the only relief is to abandon.
This article is not meant to be the answer to all of your concerns. It is not the authority on the psychology of men, however, it is a brief discourse that I have chosen to write based on my experience and observation.
Look out for next weeks blog.... Part 2 of "The Assassination of the Family...Wives and Mothers"
that was deep. I personally believe that the reason many men choose to abandon or neglect their family responsibilities is because they don't see success in it. They see success on their jobs via promotions, raises, etc. They physically see the rewards from other things that they do...but unfortunately they don't view the family as being equally as important. It's very sad...and some men just don't want to grow up. It could be that their father was not there, so they were never taught (or shown) how to handle responsibilities...they've only be shown how to run from it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to read and comment. I really appreciate it. And you are correct, the historical background plays a large role in how a man views his role as a man.
ReplyDeleteGreat post man! Welcome to the world of blogging! Do it well!
ReplyDeleteThanks Big Brother O.