Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Father's Day...

I woke up this morning, thanked God for blessing me to open my eyes. Immediately after that action, I realized that it was "father's day" so I picked up my phone, and immediately begin to type my current status which reads: "this day is normally bitter sweet for me because I never knew what it was like to have a good, godly, protecting, providing, earthly father. But thank God for stepping up and being the best father I could even need...go to church and thank God for being the best dad ever!" Although, there was no evil intention behind this status, I realized that my train of thought was filled with error. Immediately I begin to search through a host of current statuses of friend on fb and came to a haunting conclusion.... Satan has successfully destroyed the image of the family within our minds. Give him a round of applause.

Think about it... how many face book posts have you read today or yesterday that "appreciate" the fathers but are immediately undercut by the lack of the father in the home and the overwhelming role of the mother. Seriously, we do this without thinking. Father's day should not be a day where we highlight the absence of men within the home and family, father's day should be a day that we highlight the men who have stuck it out, provided, protected, and spiritually lead and loved their children and families.

Furthermore, on mothers day, you hear nothing but good things about mothers. Everyone congratulates, everyone is sensitive to the mother and her role in the family...and we should be! However, often times, we congratulate mothers as if there has never been a mother who walked out on their family, cheated on their spouse, went to prison and missed the growing up of their children. Granted, fathers are the perpetrators of these actions far more than the mothers but that doesn't negate the fact that both mothers and fathers are guilty of sin.

With that being said, it is apparent that Satan has successfully destroyed the family within all communities. Satan has literally destroyed the image of the family and it shows on fathers day when good godly men can get respect without being undercut by another statement.

Today, change your image of the father in the family. Appreciate your father, your husband, a good man without tearing him down. Today is not about your mother who raised you without a father because truth be told, she CANT be a father. Today is not about who wasn't there... find somebody who was and appreciate them! If you cant find anyone, remember GOD was and is there!

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