Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The all-seeing eye of God...

Earlier this morning, I received a text message that read, "Matthew 18:10. What is the purpose of these angels in this verse?" I was unable to immediately respond and address this question, partly because I was pre-occupied with my morning routine of getting dress and secondly, because I was not readily familiar with this text, nor the "angels" mentioned within it. After finding a stopping point in my morning routine, I grabbed a NIV bible, read the text, flipped to a few reference scriptures to see if I can gather additional information. I then called my mother, who was the author of the text message, and informed her that I had made some preliminary observations but I would know more when I reached my office and got ahold of my study materials.
As I continued with my morning routine, the question plagued me. Just that quick, I was intrigued and yearning for information. I rushed over to my office, flipped open my laptop, grabbed a few books off the book shelf and went to work. The discovery was refreshing! I had several questions, who are "angels"? What is their purpose? What are their limitations? It didnt take long for me to realize that I had heard the word "angels" mentioned several times, I had heard subjects taught and preached concerning "angels" but it was far to long ago. I felt embarassed. A person of my profession should already know something as simple a subject as..."angels."
I was intrigued because Matthew 18:10 seemed to suggest an idea of having a "guardian angel". I had always believed that this idea was false. I believed that there couldn't possible be a such thing as a personal or private "angel" that is dispatched to my side for the soul purpose of attending to me. Let me just say before I continue that I had a rude awakening.
Allow me to provide scriptural references that provides insight into the duty and purpose of "angels", thus, allowing you to conclude what you choose to believe about the subject.

Angels have serve and continue to serve several purposes such as:

They predicted the birth of Christ: Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:26-38
They ministered to Christ after his temptation and agony: Matthew 4:11; Luke 22:43
They declared his resurrection and ascension: Matthew 28:2-8; John 20:12-13; Acts 1:10-11
They are now ministering spirits to the people of God: Hebrews 1:14; Psalm 34:7; 91:11; Matthew 18:10; Acts 5:19; 8:26; 10:3; 12:7; 27:23
They rejoice over a penitent sinner: Luke 15:10

By now, you may be asking yourself, "how is this relevant to the "all-seeing eye of God?" The answer is, God knows all, see's all, and hears all. God is concerned about his children. Therefore, he uses the ministry of the angels to protect, comfort, and provide for his children. Consider this:
How many car accidents have you escaped unharmed?
How many dangerous situations have you mysteriously escaped?
How many last minute decisions have you made that literally saved your life?

Often times, things happen, and we believe that we escaped because of luck or because of skill when in actuality, it just may have been the hand of God, through a divinely appointed angel that caused the situation to go differently than it was originally scheduled to go.
As I type this, tears are being formed in my eyes, because I was reminded of a near fatal accident that I escaped, and after study this morning, I am even more convinced that I escaped because of the grace of God and the angel that he dispatched to protect me. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was because there is a greater good that I am to accomplish. Maybe it is because he wanted me to know for the rest of my days, no matter who I am, where I am, or what I will become, the ONLY reason I am what I am is because he dispatched an angel to spare my life.

Praise God...