This blog entry deserves no fancy introduction. To begin with some wordy, well-written introduction that would "woo" you is certainly not necessary. In fact, this blog should begin just the way you are currently reading it...plain and to the point!! Listen loud and clear...The purpose of God's RULES is so that you may have a RELATIONSHIP with him!
I have been in the Church of Christ for a long time and one thing that I can say for certain is that we have mastered the art of looking at the bible and pulling from it a bunch of rules and regulations that God has put on us, all the while, forgetting about his intended relationship attached to all the rules.
We are good at telling the "do's" and "dont's" of Christianity but not so good at explaining why God has imposed those particular rules.
The almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing God knows that which we can and cannot handle. He knows what would be harmful or helpful to us, thus, he set regulations whereby, he intends on us following. He has done this as an exercise of his love toward us. And when we falls short, he exercises his love toward us by extending grace.
Isn't interesting that while God is seeking a meaningful, love-centered, communicative relationship with us, we seek a one-sided, "ask and ye shall receive" type relationship. Its true. Take a look at your prayers... how often do you pray for someone else? How often are your prayers simply prayers of thanksgiving? How often are you asking for something? I'm sure if most of us were to be honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that our relationship with God is superficial. Our relationship with God is based on what we want.
Ask yourself more questions... How many of us would have good marriages or friendships if we were only interested in getting our way? Are you rarely (if ever) concerned about the other parties happiness? The truth of the matter is to think in such a way as this is indicative of someone who is selfish. Unfortunately, God deals with selfish Christians day in and day out. God is seeking a relationship with you!
How do I get a better relationship with God?
I. Make conscious decisions to follow his rules, knowing that he is concerned about you and not only in controlling you.
II. Seek God. Try to move past the "ask and ye shall receive relationship" and move toward a communicative relationship with God. That means to talk to God and then wait for God to talk back to you through his word.
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