Unfortunately I have noticed a strikingly large amount of women that has fallen prey to a self-serving dose of insecurity, inadequacy, and distasteful behavior. I thought this blog might be helpful to some young lady struggling within herself, trying to make the right decision or better decisions.
Some women are on the search for a "good man" and I don't profess to know all the answers but I do know some tips that will enable you to get what you want...
1. STOP LOOKING. Is it not your job or responsibility to be the aggressor. Any man that finds you will approach and initiate a relationship with you because they are comfortable with how you look, how you behave, and what do you potentially have to offer. With that being said, any man who makes you feel unattractive is looking to control you. You do not need him.
2. DATE MEN WHO ARE COMMITTED TO GOD. To choose a man who is committed to God takes time. To avoid a man who pretends to be committed to God, you must take time to watch his consistency. Do not be "wooed" by his perceived consistency immediately. Watch how often he attends church. Watch how active he is within church. Does he go as a ritual or a relationship? His life should reflect his relationship. A godly man does not mean he is perfect but rather that he is striving for perfection.
3. DATE MEN WHO THINKS LIKE A MAN. In order for you to choose a "good man" you must understand what a good man is. A "good man" is someone who understand his role as a man, does not compromise his God given roles because society has decided to change the roles. A man is someone who thinks, behaves, and accepts his responsibility at all times. If at any time a man realizes that he has not lived up to his role as a man, when brought to his attention, he does not hesitate to acknowledge and correct his mistakes. A man seeks to be responsible in his own personal affairs. When you select a character such as this, you then have some reassurance that he is fully capable of thinking and behaving as a man such as it relates to you.
4. REALIZE THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE A MAN. Stop choosing men who obviously lack in the areas that you need to be present and stop thinking that you somehow possess the ability to give him what he lacks. You cannot change a man. However, choose men who have all the qualities that you need to be present. The qualities he has man not be at the level in which you want them to be, however, if he is devoted to allowing God to change him, you can work with that. God does the changing, not you.
5. REALIZE THAT WHAT YOU NEED MAY NOT BE PACKAGED THE WAY YOU WOULD LIKE. There is nothing wrong with wanting a man who is attractive, well- kept, well- mannered or with "swag". However, remember that the physical features of what you want may not always come with the type of man you want. Ask yourself the question, am I willing to trade integrity for tall, dark and handsome? If someone gave you a diamond ring but packaged it in old newspaper, would you discard the ring because of what you received it in? Character is much more important than appearance.
6. BE THAT WHICH YOU SEEK. If you seek a classy, smooth, godly man then be a classy, smooth, godly woman. A good godly man is not interested in a rough, loud, boisterous and sexually promiscuous woman... at least not to be his wife. Learn to be elegant. Learn to be soft. Learn to be submissive. If you don't you may continue to attract the thugs, and the guys with no future.
7. BE PATIENT. Remember, Rome was not built in one day. Do not look at other relationships with anxiety or envy. To do so will cause you to make rash decision concerning your own relationships, thereby sabotaging your own ability to see things clearly. Take time. Be methodical. God will send you what you need in due season.
This blog is not intended to be a "know it all" guide to finding a good man, however, it's intent is to help some young lady who may be clueless about why they cant find love. Hope this helps.
This is a great lesson, not only for women, but men as well. So many times we're looking at the superficial aspects and don't consider the way someone is.